Selasa, 12 Mei 2015


Welcome to my blog Ilmu Pariwisata dan Perhotelan, my blog based in beautiful Bali island of Indonesia. Bali is one of thousand beautiful highland of Indonesia. Bali as a destination of tourism has a lot of Hotels, Stars Hotels, Resort Hotels, Villas, Beach Hotels, Small Hotels, Melasti Hotels and bungalows.

I started blogger in 2012 mainly because I wanted to keep a record of what I was learning and experiences all about hotel, and because I wanted to connect with other people who more have experiences. Since then I’ve added well over articles, tips, tutorials and case studies to archives here.
My blog I dedicated to helping other people who want to learn about Hotels, share their own experiences and promote their blogging. I’ve learned so much from my experiences as employ at hotel.

If you have any other suggestion from this blog that I have missed, please leave a comment and let me know even more importantly. If you don’t like one of these pages on my blog I would love to hear why not. And these are in no particular order, I guest couldn’t do it.
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